
This cooking group will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month. It is a place to meet as friends, get new recipes and maybe even learn some new cooking skills.

Microwave Caramel Corn

1 bag of puffed butter popcorn (Chester’s Brand)

½ C. butter
1 C. brown sugar
¼ C. dark or light Karo syrup
Dash of salt

Microwave on high for 4 minutes in a glass bowl, remembering to stir after 2 minutes.

Then add:
½ t. baking soda
1/8 t. vanilla

Stir the caramel mixture until fluffy. Place popcorn in a in a large Tupperware bowl (or one that is ok to go back into the microwave.) Pour the caramel mixture all over the puffed popcorn. Stir it all together until well coated. Then microwave the popcorn for 2 minutes, stirring after 1 minute. This will help soften the caramel again so it coats all the popcorn more evenly.

Spread this out on wax paper to let it cool.


Note: If you want added sweetness, melt some chocolate almond bark and drizzle over the caramel corn. I put this in the refrigerator so the chocolate gets hardened. Then take out and break it up into smaller pieces.

Note: You may also spread the caramel corn onto a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees until crispy.

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