
This cooking group will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month. It is a place to meet as friends, get new recipes and maybe even learn some new cooking skills.


Who is invited? Anyone that would like to come. But I have to warn you it is a room full of talking/laughing women!

How much should I bring
? Bring enough to share. Many of us serve our families first and bring the leftovers. The group averages anywhere between 8- 15 people but keep in mind that there are also that many dishes to sample and your contribution is not intended to be a whole meal. As a side note, there are usually leftovers that can be shared. And If you would like to take some home, please bring something it can be transported in.

What time does it start? We start pretty close to 7:00 but if you can't make it by then don't let that stop you from coming. Better late than never!

Should I eat before coming? I'm not one to tell you when to eat but I will say that on more than one occasion I hear someone complain that they are full and wish they hadn't eaten before they came. The only time I might suggest you eat prior is our dessert night! And on that night make sure you bring something to take the leftovers home in!!! :)

What format should the recipe be in? Honestly we don't care how we get it as long as we do! You can bring a copy (only one is needed) or email it to me at I like to post the recipes on the blog for easy access to all of us.

Do I need a picture? No, but if your recipe came with a picture, or you take one yourself, please include it. Admittedly I can't read a cookbook without pictures. (Now you know the real reason for this group! Just kidding!) I do love that I get to taste test these recipes before I make them on my own.

Can I help you pay for anything? No! Having this group is something I do for "me time" and I have budgeted for it. I hope you don't mind that I serve on paper plates with mismatched utensils and serving spoons.