
This cooking group will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month. It is a place to meet as friends, get new recipes and maybe even learn some new cooking skills.

Maggie's Dumplings

Ingredients - make 5 dozens of them

  1. 1 large pack ground pork from Winco, around 2 and half pounds meat
  2. 1 pack of dumpling wrappers from Asian Market- the green pack ( They have different thickness, so far, the green pack is my favorite)
  3. 1 bushel green onion, finely chopped
  4. 2 Table spoons soy sauce
  5. 2 teaspoons corn starch
  6. 2 teaspoons salt
  7. 3-5 cloves of garlic, smashed
  8. 2 eggs
  9. ½ cup water (maybe more or less, depends on how you prefer your pork to loosen up)
  10. Other vegetables finally chopped (optional), if you use vegetables, you might not need water at all since vegetables usually have quite a bit of juice in it.


  1. Put the pork in a large mixing bowl, and add corn starch, salt, eggs, soy sauce, green onion, garlic and water/vegetables. Mix all the ingredients well, until meat is loosen and pretty.
  2. Set a bowl of water aside
  3. Open the wrapper, and make your dumplings just like the night at Julia’ house.
  4. Freeze them for 2 hours on a cookie sheet, them put them in a zip lock bag, and freeze up until many months. Or call your friends up, have a dumpling party, eat them all. :-)

Cooking methods:

  1. Dumpling soup: in a 2 quart sauce pan, boil 60% full water, put dumpling in (maybe 20?), bring to a boil, turn heat to medium, leave lid open, let it boil for 10 minutes or until meat is all the way cooked. Take the dumplings out, and dip in the dip, enjoy.
  2. Dumpling soup 2: in a 2 quart sauce pan, out 50% full water or chicken broth, put sliced up 1 carrot slices, 1 tomatoes, mushrooms, salt bring to a boil, add dumplings in, cook until meat is cooked, add 2 table spoons of soy sauce, some cilantros or chopped green onions, and your real health and yummy soup is ready. I don’t know how well everyone handles soup, but, this is healthy and better for you. But I understand if you are going the 1 option. J
  3. Steamed dumplings, just like the name, you steam the 1 layer dumplings for 10-15 minutes until meat is done cooking, you are good to go. Dip in the dipping sauce you made or bought.
  4. Fried dumplings, as I showed you, 2 table spoons of oil in a NONE STICK pan, put the dumplings in the pan, put water in the pan until dumplings are half way covered with water. Cook it about 15 minutes or until meat is all the way cooked. – My personal favorite. If you like a little crispy in the bottom, watch carefully right before the water is all mostly all the way cook out, let it cook a little longer, or you can check frequently until the perfect crispiness you wanted. Practice makes it better!

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